Here is your Bushrangers Committee for 2017!
Well the AGM has been done, the minutes have been…um, minuted?? and the committee members have been voted (or shanghai’d) into their respective positions. See below for who you should contact.
President – Ben “Fatbikes are dumb!” Johns
Contact Ben for things like the Parklands upgrade project, legal stuff, complaints, sponsorship queries, race information.
Treasurer – Craig “Why don’t I have a cool action pic” Pearson
Contact Craig for the invoice payments and other money stuff or an exciting chat about GST or something.
Secretary – Michael “Fatbikes are great!” Johns
I’m pretty much the eye-candy but you can contact me for social media stuff, jerseys, beginner “Rookie” rides, training or if you can’t reach anyone else.
Women’s Advocacy Officer – Susie <high pitch squeal> Hume
Contact Susie for all the Go-girl events and if you are female and want to get into MTB riding.
Greg “Why do we need these weird middle names?” Bright
Contact Greg for things like camping trips, BBQs and club dinners.
Rob “How did I get this job?!” Macdonald
Contact Rob for anything to do with trails – so any big fallen trees or bad trail damage you find or any trail care events the club holds.
Please remember that we are all volunteers with full-time jobs, families and we need to ride too so that makes time a precious commodity. So please don’t get too cranky if we don’t get back to you instantly.